Anant Kapdi was born in Mumbai, Maharashtra, India, in 1980, and studied chemistry at the University of Mumbai (MSc 2002) and York (MSc 2005; Dr. Ian J. S. Fairlamb). He completed his PhD in 2008 under the supervision of Dr. Fairlamb at The University of York (UK), before starting postdoctoral work in the research group of Prof. Lutz Ackermann at the Georg-August-University Gottingen as an Alexander von Humboldt Fellow. He returned to India in 2010 and was appointed as DST-SERC Fast Track Fellow (2011) and DST Inspire Faculty (2012) at the Institute of Chemical Technology, Mumbai before taking up UGC-FRP Assistant Professor position (2014) at the same institute. He has performed very well in his field of research, publishing more than 90 research publication in various reputed international journals and has 4 edited books in his name. He also has served as an Associate Editor of the Royal Society of Chemistry journal, RSC Advances. Recently, he was also elected as the Fellow of RSC under the Leader in Field category. He has also served as the founding Deputy Director of ICT-IOC Bhubaneswar off-campus of the Institute of Chemical Technology, Mumbai (2018-19). Anant has also been instrumental in the formation of India’s first of kind Scientific consortium (Innovation Sustainability Chemistry Consortium-ISSC) and is currently the founding Coordinator (India). Currently he has been appointed as the Central Placement Coordinator for ICT, Mumbai and looks after the training and placement for all the 3 campuses of ICT. Anant has received many recognitions for his scientific contributions as well as the extensive administrative and outreach activities such as C. B. Murarka Best Assistant Professor Award 2018-19, Wellcome Trust/DBT India Alliance Early Career Fellow for 2021, DAAD Fellowship for Scientists (not availed), Alexander von Humboldt Return Fellowship (2013), Prof. N. R. Kamath Book Award.